Actress Disha Parmar found a spot on the trends' list after her boyfriend, singer Rahul Vaidya proposed to her on the show Bigg Boss 14. Following Rahul's proposal, Disha Parmar spotted a speculative tweet by an unverified profile named "The Khabri", which appears to be dedicated to Bigg Boss 14 updates. "Disha Parmar is already engaged to Rahul Vaidya even before Rahul entered the Bigg Boss house," read the tweet. Disha Parmar dismissed the tweet in strong words and wrote: "Calm down! And stop spreading fake news! That's all." Rahul Vaidya proposed to Disha Parmar on the Bigg Boss 14 episode aired on November 11, which marked Disha's birthday.
Here's what Disha Parmar tweeted:
Calm down! And stop spreading fake news! That's all
— Disha Parmar (@disha11parmar) November 11, 2020
Rahul Vaidya, currently in the Bigg Boss 14 house, painted a while T-shirt with the words: "Disha... love... Happy Birthday." Revealing he's dating Disha for two years, Rahul said that he should have proposed to her earlier and that's he's decided to do it on her birthday. "Will you marry me, Disha?" he said on the show and asked his girlfriend to send a response to the makers of Bigg Boss 14 soon.
Here's how Disha Parmar had wished Rahul Vaidya on his birthday, before he entered the Bigg Boss 14 house.
Disha Parmar is best known for playing the role of Pankhudi in the show Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaara. She's also featured as Pankhudi in shows such as Ek Doosre Se Karte Hain Pyaar Hum, Diya Aur Baati Hum, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, among others. Disha Parmar appeared as a guest on Bigg Boss 9 and participated in Box Cricket League 1. She also starred in the TV show Woh Apna Sa.