Paoli Dam featured in Rituparno Ghosh's Bengali film Shob Charitro Kalponik
New Delhi:
Bengali actress Paoli Dam, whostarred in Rituparno Ghosh's Shob Charitro Kalponik is stillhaunted by the sudden death of the maverick filmmakerand says they were planning to do another film together.
"It was absolutely fantastic to work with him in ShobCharitro. It still haunts me to think that he is no more. Thepast few days have been really low for me. I was supposed tomeet him as we were discussing a film together," Paoli toldPTI in an interview over phone from Kolkata.
The 32-year-old actress played the role of Kajori Ray, themuse of lead actor Prosenjit and Paoli fondly recalls how thedirector would take interest in dressing her up.
"I remember before we commenced shoot, Ritu da asked me todrape a sari and himself did my make-up. He just loveddressing me up. I was very nervous on my first day but he mademe comfortable. He just looked at me and said Hoye jabe (Youcan do it) and I actually did complete the scene in just onetake.
"He was always very supportive. It is not that we spoke onregular basis but I knew if I ever needed him, he would bethere," she said.
Paoli made her Bollywood debut with erotic thriller HateStory and will be next seen in Suhail Tatari's Ankur AroraMurder Case, which has been produced and written by VikramBhatt.
The film also stars Kay Kay Menon, Tisca Chopra andVishakha Singh and will hit theatres next Friday.
Incidentally the name of Paoli's character in her upcomingfilm is also Kajori.
"Vikram offered me this film after Hate Story. It is afilm based on medical malpractice which is so prevalent in ourcountry," Paoli said.
Paoli actress started her career with television. Paolithen went on to work in a bevy of art-house and commercialBengali films like Hochchheta ki, Chatrak, Kaalbela,Elar Char Adhyay among others.
Her bold avatar in her debut film Hate Story receivedmixed response from the audience. But in her upcoming film sheplays a lawyer, a far cry from her last film.
When asked if it was a conscious decision to choose ade-glamourised role this time to avoid being stereotyped,Paoli said, "My role was very challenging as it was completelyopposite to what I played in Hate Story but it was not aconscious attempt to do something different. I want to tryeverything.
"As an actor, I don't want to be stereotyped. Thanks toVikram, I am playing an interesting character again thistime," she said.
Paoli has signed her third film with Bhatt.
"It is a thriller and that is all I can say right now. Iam juggling work in Mumbai and Kolkata. I also have twoBengali films lined up for release- Ajana Batash by AnjanDass, which is based on a novel by Joy Goswami andPromotion.
"It was absolutely fantastic to work with him in ShobCharitro. It still haunts me to think that he is no more. Thepast few days have been really low for me. I was supposed tomeet him as we were discussing a film together," Paoli toldPTI in an interview over phone from Kolkata.
The 32-year-old actress played the role of Kajori Ray, themuse of lead actor Prosenjit and Paoli fondly recalls how thedirector would take interest in dressing her up.
"I remember before we commenced shoot, Ritu da asked me todrape a sari and himself did my make-up. He just loveddressing me up. I was very nervous on my first day but he mademe comfortable. He just looked at me and said Hoye jabe (Youcan do it) and I actually did complete the scene in just onetake.
"He was always very supportive. It is not that we spoke onregular basis but I knew if I ever needed him, he would bethere," she said.
Paoli made her Bollywood debut with erotic thriller HateStory and will be next seen in Suhail Tatari's Ankur AroraMurder Case, which has been produced and written by VikramBhatt.
The film also stars Kay Kay Menon, Tisca Chopra andVishakha Singh and will hit theatres next Friday.
Incidentally the name of Paoli's character in her upcomingfilm is also Kajori.
"Vikram offered me this film after Hate Story. It is afilm based on medical malpractice which is so prevalent in ourcountry," Paoli said.
Paoli actress started her career with television. Paolithen went on to work in a bevy of art-house and commercialBengali films like Hochchheta ki, Chatrak, Kaalbela,Elar Char Adhyay among others.
Her bold avatar in her debut film Hate Story receivedmixed response from the audience. But in her upcoming film sheplays a lawyer, a far cry from her last film.
When asked if it was a conscious decision to choose ade-glamourised role this time to avoid being stereotyped,Paoli said, "My role was very challenging as it was completelyopposite to what I played in Hate Story but it was not aconscious attempt to do something different. I want to tryeverything.
"As an actor, I don't want to be stereotyped. Thanks toVikram, I am playing an interesting character again thistime," she said.
Paoli has signed her third film with Bhatt.
"It is a thriller and that is all I can say right now. Iam juggling work in Mumbai and Kolkata. I also have twoBengali films lined up for release- Ajana Batash by AnjanDass, which is based on a novel by Joy Goswami andPromotion.