Kerala SAY Exam Dates: Directorate of Higher Secondary Education or DHSE has released the time table for Kerala SAY Exam 2019. The Higher Secondary/Technical Higher Secondary/ Art Higher Secondary SAY and Improvement Examination of June 2019 will be conducted from June 10 to June 17, 2019. Students who wish to appear for the exam may check the complete time table from the official website of DHSE, http://dhsekerala.gov.in . As per the notice released by the Board, the exam will be held in selected Higher Secondary Schools in Kerala, Gulf and Lakshadweep.
Kerala SAY Exam: Direct link for Time Table
Students who appeared but could not qualify in Class 12 Board examination for the first time (regular students) may appear for the exam. These candidates may register only for those subjects for which they failed to attain D+ or above grade.
Apart from these, the compartmental students who had secured D+ or above for five subjects and appeared for Class 12 may also appear for the SAY exam. All the regular students are also eligible to appear for the improvement exam conducted by the DHSE.
It must be noted that candidates who had not registered for the HS Exam 2019 are not eligible to register for the SAY/ Improvement exam. Candidates must check the official notice for further details.
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